Friday, June 03, 2005

Irritation...of the Swelling Kind


Just got a call from the Nurse Practitioner at my Immunologist's office....they ran a bunch of labs last week, and once again, nothing is showing up.

We were looking for two main things: thyroid antibodies (not function, but to see if my body is building an intolerance for my thyroid), and that continues to be borderline at 2.0 (same as in September). Once it hits 2.1, they'll start to worry, but for now it's considered "normal".

My C1 esterace inhibitor function is better than it was in September: anything above 67% is normal, my functions were 92% in September, and are now at 97%. Can't get much better than that.

All my other counts were, in her words, "smack dab in the middle" of where they should be. All the complements, hemoglobin, white blood cells, lymphocytes, platelets...normal, normal, normal.

How annoying.

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