on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
My favorite internet-celebrity hedgehog, Clementine, having her picture taken for Xmas:

A couple more signs I'd like to add to the hedgie collection:
Duvberg on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

And, in the best of all possible worlds: Hedgehog graffiti:
Hedgehog and boomboxes on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Cute Overload! :)
The best Cute Overload of Late:
You're sucking my eyeball out (I love giraffes!)
Dainty Paws (hegie-licious)
Waaaay too many joke possibilities
And of course, the best from I Can Has Cheezburger. I'm not sure how I'd get through the day without the laughs ICHC provides me....
Ur flavr. It hurtz me. « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?
My interest « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?
the hand « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?
the modelz « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?
curious kitteh « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?
BACON « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?
This is the pick of the month!!

The best posts from some of my favorite blogs:
Pre-holiday Fluff Cavalcade Five: A Very Obese Bird « Shapely Prose
The Future Ain’t Bright - Fat Doctor
Greta Christina's Blog: "The Lord is spanking us"
Life, What the hell is going on?: Stoopid People.
Life, What the hell is going on?: Just a thought...
Life, What the hell is going on?: Quick! Get the Lysol!
Out of Character: P.S. Fire everyone in your marketing department immediately.
SNAFU-ed .... Subtle Butt Disposable Gas Neutralizers: $9.95 for Peace of Mind
SNAFU-ed .... Need a Good Holiday Gift? "Reserve a Spot in Heaven" for a Friend!
Spaghetti Harvest » Crazy is not as crazy does.
John A. Wheeler
"If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day." |
SheFinds.com - A Body Scrub That Really Works
From Overheard in the Office:
Chewbacca's Agent Finally Snaps
Worker bee: Your poor interpersonal communication skills are not my fault. They are my problem, because I have to deal with you, but they are not my fault.
519 Westport Parkway
Grapevine, Texas
Overheard by: DeadEyeDusty
Relax -- That's Just Canadian for "Good Morning"
Overworked CSR: Sir, at any point in our conversation today did I provide you with my name?
Customer: No.
Overworked CSR: Good -- fuck you [hangs up].
Toronto, Ontario
Allow Me to Demonstrate
Manager: What motivates you to do your best job possible?
Interviewee: Well, I don't do anything half-assed... Yeah, I like to put my whole ass into everything I do.
1158 Howard Street
San Francisco, California
Overheard by: Kirsten
From Overheard in New York:
But My Bench Press Is Up 50 Pounds!
Girl #1: Are you going to call me on my birthday? Huh? Huh?
Girl #2: What is it, the 23rd?
Girl #1: No!
Girl #2: Oh, the 24th.
Girl #1: Yeah.. If my friends don't blindfold me and get me wasted...
#2: Oh... Yeah, I will call you. Listen, I'm sorry I'm not more chatty.
I just got out of the hospital and the doctors put me on steroids,
which have the unfortunate effect of turning me into a total cunt.
--Olive Garden, Times Square
How Could You Not Love This Town?
Cashier: How are you?
Customer: Do you want the honest answer?
Cashier: Yes.
I feel like the business end of a donkey. I am extremely hungover and
did a mountain of cocaine last night. Now I have to make dinner for a
68-year-old gay artist who is trying to fuck me.
Cashier: I'm... sorry.
And the woman I love is in another state pregnant with her
ex-boyfriend's baby, and I wish the baby was mine. And I'm sleeping
with a dominatrix. And it's all true.
--Whole Foods
Difficult to Flatter, Too
Girl with petition: You look like a nice guy!
Suit: You're fucking right I am! [Keeps walking.]
--68th & Broadway
Overheard by: Pierre Fresnay
The Giant Ones Who Live in the Sewers Are Especially Nasty
Queer #1: Christians are the most vile creatures on this planet.
Queer #2: Shhh... They'll hear you!
--13th St, between Greenwich & 7th Ave
From Overheard Everywhere:
She Won't Accept the Solution I Worked Out
Nerdy Asian guy: My friend is having a problem...
Drunk Asian guy: Can you solve it with your penis?
Overheard by: Amused
The Cell Reception Is Atrocious
mom: For the love of God, stop crying! If you don't stop, I'm going to
shove you back in my uterus, close my legs, and never let you out!
Crying little boy: No! I don't like it in there!
San Francisco, California
The Best from Boing Boing:
Web Zen: bacon zen - Boing Boing
KnitML: standards-defined knitting patterns - Boing Boing
Injured hedgehogs and cute/sad photo - Boing Boing
Collector asks for your 1968 pennies - Boing Boing
Secret photo archives of the Mutter Museum: haunting book of Victorian pathological curiosities - Boing Boing

Honey, this one is for you. I know you love this sign:

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