Holy shit, how is it possibly already the end of November? Now that YEAR END is upon us, I need to actually start getting myself together...not only do I have a metric fuck-ton of work, but in four short weeks I am heading to IRELAND for my honeymoon...and I have nothing planned thus far. :)
So, while I procrastinate a bit more (this time from doing laundry), here are a whole bunch of links I've saved up over the last few weeks.
Embroidery Swap - Patch #4 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Awesome. Free form, or a pattern? Should I get out my rusty embroidery skills and try this one out? Wait...wasn't I the one just talking about too much to do??
Wait. Even more awesome: hedgie graffiti
hedgehog on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Cute Overload! :)

A Story: I haz one.
I saw this picture and thought of one of my high school boyfriends, Chad. He was such a terrible kisser that on our last date, when we had driven up to the lake to make out, I actually said things like, "My goodness...it's almost 8 o'clock. I'd better be getting home!" Yes, that bad. This is kind of what he looked like when he was coming at me for a kiss:
Sweet, crying Baby Jebus, do I love I Can Has Cheezburger. Here's another one, which perfectly describes my day at work:
i try to put on a happy face « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?

And some links from the fatosphere. Have I mentioned lately how much happier I am since I decided to love myself just the way I am?
Jumping Through Hoops for Health Insurance | Big Fat Blog
Bias, much? at BABble
Big Fat Delicious: I'm in health warning fatigue: opinion
F-Words: Technically it's not evil - just monstrous
Every Woman Has an Eating Disorder: The Vagina Dialogues
Reality vs. Relativism « Shapely Prose
Body frustration at BABble
And in the crafty goodness world, this is just plain awesome. It's like a crafty advent calendar....whip up » Blog Archive » A Month of Tutorials
Here's how to give a gift to a reader...or not....Bibliolatry: Bibliolatrist's Holiday Gift Guide, 2007
The Hamster Wheel: Overheard
I especially like the picture that he choose to go with it...
"I hate the outdoors. To me the outdoors is where the car is."
not martha
Must remember to use these recipes...and then put the finished goods in these boxes....
What I’ve learned from cats: Davezilla
Dilbert Comic Strip Archive - Dilbert.com - The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams - Dilbert, Dogbert and Coworkers!

LOLTheist: Blasphemy is Teh Funneh » Blog Archive » Today Wisconsin, tommorrow the world!

LOLTheist: Blasphemy is Teh Funneh » Blog Archive » Billboard, billboard on the wall, who’s the mightiest of them all?

Consumer Reports corrects "restless leg" drug TV ad - Boing Boing
And THIS, gentle readers, is one of the many reasons that drug companies should not be allowed to advertise. This restless leg syndrome and chronic dry eye....why aren't we working on real fucking diseases?? I better have one of these to calm me down...
A sign that is posted at my work. Ok, it's not, but it should be:

My mom and I like to go to antique shows/flea markets. At the ones at the Fairgrounds, and sometimes elsewhere, there is a dealer that has a "garden shed." Gosh, if I didn't know better, I'd think that the two holes in the handy "shelf" were for another purpose...I saw this on my Mpls. Flickr feed this morning, and it made me think that this would be the perfect urban "garden shed".
DSC_1284 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
So, I thought the best bacon gig in town was the Bacon Happy Hour, but now I find out at about this at Manny's....Best Bacon Ever on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Damn Cool Pics: The Hanging Coffins of Sagada
Woman dies from religious snakebite incident, family sues hospital at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
an affirmation of hope at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
license plate at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

In America, Nonbelievers Find Strength in Numbers at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
So, while I procrastinate a bit more (this time from doing laundry), here are a whole bunch of links I've saved up over the last few weeks.
Embroidery Swap - Patch #4 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Wait. Even more awesome: hedgie graffiti
Cute Overload! :)

A Story: I haz one.
I saw this picture and thought of one of my high school boyfriends, Chad. He was such a terrible kisser that on our last date, when we had driven up to the lake to make out, I actually said things like, "My goodness...it's almost 8 o'clock. I'd better be getting home!" Yes, that bad. This is kind of what he looked like when he was coming at me for a kiss:

Sweet, crying Baby Jebus, do I love I Can Has Cheezburger. Here's another one, which perfectly describes my day at work:
i try to put on a happy face « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger?

And some links from the fatosphere. Have I mentioned lately how much happier I am since I decided to love myself just the way I am?
Jumping Through Hoops for Health Insurance | Big Fat Blog
Bias, much? at BABble
Big Fat Delicious: I'm in health warning fatigue: opinion
F-Words: Technically it's not evil - just monstrous
Every Woman Has an Eating Disorder: The Vagina Dialogues
Reality vs. Relativism « Shapely Prose
Body frustration at BABble
And in the crafty goodness world, this is just plain awesome. It's like a crafty advent calendar....whip up » Blog Archive » A Month of Tutorials
Here's how to give a gift to a reader...or not....Bibliolatry: Bibliolatrist's Holiday Gift Guide, 2007
The Hamster Wheel: Overheard
I especially like the picture that he choose to go with it...
Will Durst
"I hate the outdoors. To me the outdoors is where the car is."
not martha
Must remember to use these recipes...and then put the finished goods in these boxes....
What I’ve learned from cats: Davezilla
Dilbert Comic Strip Archive - Dilbert.com - The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams - Dilbert, Dogbert and Coworkers!

LOLTheist: Blasphemy is Teh Funneh » Blog Archive » Today Wisconsin, tommorrow the world!

LOLTheist: Blasphemy is Teh Funneh » Blog Archive » Billboard, billboard on the wall, who’s the mightiest of them all?

Consumer Reports corrects "restless leg" drug TV ad - Boing Boing
And THIS, gentle readers, is one of the many reasons that drug companies should not be allowed to advertise. This restless leg syndrome and chronic dry eye....why aren't we working on real fucking diseases?? I better have one of these to calm me down...
A sign that is posted at my work. Ok, it's not, but it should be:

My mom and I like to go to antique shows/flea markets. At the ones at the Fairgrounds, and sometimes elsewhere, there is a dealer that has a "garden shed." Gosh, if I didn't know better, I'd think that the two holes in the handy "shelf" were for another purpose...I saw this on my Mpls. Flickr feed this morning, and it made me think that this would be the perfect urban "garden shed".
DSC_1284 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

So, I thought the best bacon gig in town was the Bacon Happy Hour, but now I find out at about this at Manny's....Best Bacon Ever on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Damn Cool Pics: The Hanging Coffins of Sagada
Woman dies from religious snakebite incident, family sues hospital at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
an affirmation of hope at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

license plate at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

In America, Nonbelievers Find Strength in Numbers at Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
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