Thursday, December 30, 2004

ode to the sensual side of congestion

by sarah haggerty, the goddess of all things:

When she is under the weather,
a sultry temptress emerges
That deep, raspy, masculine voice
like a grandmother who smokes 3 packs a day
sends shivers down any man's spine
And her lips
chapped and swollen from frequent encounters with a box of Kleenex
could you ever desire a more succulent pair of kissable rose petals?

Her face
as white as kindergarten paste
speckled with the crimson of fever
and the blood vessels that surface
after repeated coughing fits
reminds me of a fresh blanket of snow
covered by tiny red cardinals
picking away for their dinner

The lackluster of her eyes
blue tides washed away
in sleepless nights
and drowning in an overdose of Nyquil
They stare vacantly
and she's naked and open as a clean blackboard

Her sweet aroma
stimulates every sense
the stinging of the metholatum
the pinch of eucalyptis
the fire of Robutussin
burns between us as we speak

She moves gracefully
like an old gray mare
too tired to fight her imprisionment any longer
very slowly
she glides
on a pillow of antihistamine
from work to lunch to work to home to her couch and her bed and her pillow

She's a vision in the slumber of illness
her ruby lips parted
the consistent drone of congested breath
like a songbird on a busy spring morning

She splays herself fully on her resting spot
throws caution to the wind
and lets the cats lie where they may

Magnet of animal attraction
the sensual princess of head colds sleeps

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

What Random Irish Phrase Am I?

Take the quiz: "Which'>">"Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta me air meisce
Ta me air meisce - 'I am drunk.'You enjoy a drink - or five - now and then. You can usually be found in a pub - it doesn't matter which one, because they all look the same after a few drinks - or hugging the porcelain.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Dogs of Babel

You have taken the finest night in all my company....Had I known but yesterday what I know today, I'd have taken out your two grey eyes and put in eyes of clay. And had I known but yesterday you'd be no more my own, I'd have taken out your heart of flesh and put in one of stone.

I read The Dogs of Babel by Carolyn Parkhurst this weekend, and it was the first book in a long time that captured my attention, and wouldn't let me put it down (may actually have to break down and buy this one!). The story is of a man, Paul, whose wife has just died, and he is not sure whether it is an accident or a suicide, and decides to teach his dog (the only witness) to speak in order to find out.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

My intellegence

Such as it is....

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence">>You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

Darn it! Barb finds the coolest things!

In 1975 (the year you were born)
Gerald Ford is president of the US

Evacuation of US civilians from Saigon as Communist forces complete takeover of South Vietnam

FBI agents capture Patty Hearst, who is indicted and convicted of bank robbery

Teamster Jimmy Hoffa disappears without a trace

Marines rescue the crew of the American ship the Mayaguez near Vietnam

First Lady Betty Ford says in an interview that she thinks her children have tried marijuana

Natalie Imbruglia, Drew Barrymore, David Beckham, Enrique Iglesias, Angelina Jolie, and Tiger Woods are born

Cincinnati Reds win the World Series

Pittsburgh Steelers win Superbowl IX

Philadelphia Flyers win the Stanley Cup

Production begins on Star Wars

Jaws and The Rocky Horror Picture Show are the top grossing films

Soul Train premieres on television in the United States

"The Way We Were" (performed by Barbara Streisand) wins the Grammy for best song

Saturday Night Live and Wheel of Fortune premiere

What Happened the Year You Were Born?
More cool things for your blog at

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Results from

Are you Giving or Taking?
You are Giving. You are a generous, unselfish person. This does not refer specifically to money, but also to less tangible things like your time, your help and your emotional support. You'll be best-matched with someone who's opposite to you in this respect, so look for someone who's a Taker if you want to make your life complete. You're best matched with a Taker.

Are you Committed or Free?
You are Committed. You have a tendency to seek a relationship that is close, intimate and exclusive. This can be a beautiful thing, but you should avoid making it too clinging or possessive. Committed people like yourself are likely to be happiest with a partner who is also Committed. You're best matched with another Committed person.

Are you a Boss or a Slave?
You are Slave. It would seem that you derive pleasure from serving your partner and tending to their pleasure. Men often prefer to be the boss, and women to be the slave, but we can all think of notable reversals on this pattern. As a Slave, you'll almost certainly be most content in a relationship with someone who has a personality which is more dominant than yours. You're best matched with a Boss.

Are you Quiet or Exciting?
You are Quiet. In general you tend to be a quieter, retiring, introvert personality and you'll do best with someone else who is similarly inclined. You could therefore share subdued interests such as reading or golf. You're best matched with another Quiet person.

The best way out.... through, to paraphrase the Robert Frost quote that Sarah emailed me this morning.

And what am I trying to get through? Well, life in general is a bit sucky right now, and I am feeling a bit "why-me" ish. The major categories:

Busy. Lots and lots of meeting from now until December 20. And lots of office politic-y drama, which I bloody hate. And, to keep me nice and confused, the starter of all of the drama, and instigator of lots of gossip, was especially nice to me today, which makes me paranoid, because most days I barely get anything unless she wants something. Maybe she wants something. And, just because I am feeling petty, the payroll schedule is changing from semi-monthly to bi-weekly. Ok, maybe I'm a freak, but I loved being able to budget semi-monthly!! Although, there is that third paycheck phenomena that I seem to remember being pretty cool....

Not yet final.

Not looking good. Got a call from the caretaker yesterday who informed me that not only is my credit crap (duh), but that there is a notation on my credit report that we "skipped" out on the apartment in Minneapolis (ah, yes, Brad strikes again). So, they will rent to me if I either (a) pay double damage deposit (uh, don't have it), or (b) get a cosigner (not ready for that one yet). They are not "denying" me, but they want to do more "research". Even best case scenario, there ain't no way that I am moving in January. Which completely sucks.

Carla's Wedding
Still on, but I kind of want to kick her mother-in-law for making her so uptight about the whole thing. Damn it, weddings are supposed to be fun, and it just never seems like that for the poor bride.

Sucks a**. Haven't heard from Andrew in ages. Guess he's done with me. Can't even get other boys to reply to my emails. And, being bloated, I'm feeling pretty darn unattractive. And, for some reason, I really, really don't want to sleep alone tonight. I don't want sex or anything (well, I guess I wouldn't turn it down), I'd just like to not be alone at this point in my life, and be able to curl up to someone in our bed, and feel him against me all night. I miss being loved, and am not quite sure how to find it. And right now not feeling terribly confident that I ever will.

In conclusion
For the last almost year, it seems that everytime I get a little bit ahead, or make any kind of plans, or am a bit excited about something, Fate slaps me upside the head and says, "Bitch, who's in charge here?" and puts everything back the way she likes it. I'm getting irritated with her. But, that obnoxious optimistic side of my personality (the one that keeps my head out of the oven) tells me that this is all happening for a reason, that I will be a better person for it, and that everything will work out the way that it is supposed to.

That side had better be right.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

My Life Rating

My life is rated NC-17.
What is your life rated?

I'm not surprised - are you?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


One thing that I hate about myself: I get so excited about something, and then it doesn't come to fruition (or just doesn't go the way I thought it would), and then I am not only broken-hearted, but then angry at myself about being so excited in the first place, and setting myself up for a disappointment. So, knowing that about myself makes me question every friggin' little thing so that I am NOT disappointed, and that leads to paranoia.

Damn me.

So, why the rant? Because I am currently in the state of paranoia about Andrew. To recap: first date a week ago Sunday. Fabulous time all last week - saw him four times. Spend the night on Saturday/Sunday at his house, after which he scraped my windows and told me it was "his job" (sigh). When I asked if I would talk to him later, he said "yes" in a way that made me think that I would.

Haven't heard from him since. And have I called him? No, because I am worried that I have scared him off with a couple of questions that I asked him on Saturday ("Am I the only person you're dating?" "Do you like me as much with my clothes on?") and/or that I will be too forward and/or that he is going to tell me that he's met someone else (like the last half dozen boys that I've liked have). Paranoia.

And is there a reasonable explanation for why I haven't heard from him? Probably. Am I too scared to find out what it is? Yes. Am I an idiot? Very possibly.

Damn it. I hate, hate, hate having to date again.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


Andrew. Sigh.

So, we went out on our first date last Sunday night (Olive Garden, Burnsville). I was not terribly interested in going, as he seemed a bit boring...real short emails, quick phone conversations....just wasn't sure what to think of that.

But, it turns out that he's actually just kind of a quiet guy (which I can deal with) and we had a good time at Olive Garden (of note: the waitress that was over 70 if she was a day - couldn't carry her own tray - was of some fun to us). Invited him back Chez Di for a movie (he picked American Beauty - excellent choice), and he ended up spending the night. :)

Saw him again briefly Wednesday night, when I got back from Meeker County, and then again Friday night when he joined Sarah and I for dinner at my place (spaghetti - I thought it was a damn poor effort, but they liked it).

Last night, he decided to take off work (he's a nursing assistant at Fairview Southdale (where I also used to work) because he and a friend got tickets to the Vikings game today, and he wanted to go tailgating. So, after Sara's Tastefully Simple party (consultant: John Haggerty) and our jaunt to go see Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (excellently funny), I went to his abode and spent the night. Sigh. He's amazing. And starting to open up a bit, which I am really, really liking. Cute. Great kisser (and other things). Funny. Sweet. Sigh.

This morning, there was frost on my windows, and he scraped them for me. I thanked him, and he replied with, "That's my job."

Aw. I think I'll keep him around. Sigh.

You'd think for $200 an hour....

For f**k's sake. Two weeks ago, I made the appointment to visit FW's lawyer to have the papers signed. I stipulated that I had to see them before I got to the office (check) and that he had been in to sign them before me (check). Went in, signed my ENTIRE name about 15 times (must remember not to keep all names ever had if I get married again!), cried a bit, and left.

The next morning, Friday, I get a call from Lori the Lawyer's assistant, who informed me that they had forgotten to get me to sign one of the pages ("It must have stuck to one of the other ones!") and I had to come back in, that day....or I'd have to appear in court on Monday afternoon. After some haggling, I did indeed go back in.

So, finally, everything is signed, sealed, and delivered to the court. I have given the County of Hennepin the best $247 I've ever spent, and I'll be a Free Woman within a couple of weeks....stay tuned to this channel for updates. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

In Other News....

Carla's Getting Married!!!!

Carla and Aaron have decided to elope - to their own living room - on December 18. Yay! Not only do these wonderful people get married, but I get to wear the dress from Barb's wedding again! (Ok, that's exciting, but not as exciting as a wedding!).

Carla is coming up next weekend to help me purge and pack, and we are going to discuss wedding-y stuff then. We need to get her living room decorated, a wrap, and decide on her announcements, which I have volunteered to make for her (when, not sure, but it will get done).


I Value Women Over 30

From Andy Rooney

As I grow in age, I value women who are over 30 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman over 30 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think. If a woman over 30 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting. A woman over 30 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 30 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing.

Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.

Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 30 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off you are a jerk if you are acting like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her. Yes, we praise men over 30 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal.

For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 30+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress. Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why?

Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage...

End of an Era (and not the laundry detergent)

Today, I signed my divorce papers.

They are filed. He has signed. I have signed. It has been paid for. Just need a judge to sign and I will be a Divorcee.

I'm not as happy about it as I thought I would be.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Preparations for a New Life

Yay! Only four days to go until the papers actually get signed! I talked to the lawyer on Friday, and found that I actually have to file the original paperwork that I filed out, and pay my $245 filing fee. Then, I sign on Thursday, and she'll file on Friday (hopefully). According to her estimate, it will be final in three weeks - tops.

As such, the Great Apartment Hunt started yesterday. Sarah and I went and checked out some swell areas of St. Paul (in the Grand Avenue/St. Thomas/St. Katherine areas) and wrote down a bunch of possibilities. I called on some this morning, and so far the main problem seems to be the lack of a dining room (or a sizable dining room) in a lot of those places. With Grandma Hank's massive furniture, I need somewhere to put it. I continue to be amazed at the low prices of rentals (yay!) - I called on a beautiful duplex yesterday that had two bedrooms and a basement family room type thing, and it was only $1,100 (but had been on the market so long, they were willing to haggle). It's much more money and room than I want, but a FANTASTIC deal. Everything else has been below what I was hoping to pay, and far below what I would pay if need be.

I do have an appointment to look at a place tomorrow night, so we'll see how that looks.

In dating news: I have decided that Andy is a bit too scarred to pursue at this time, but we remain friends, and talk a few times a week (mostly by email).

Nathan, the long haired bloke, has been a bit distant, and I'm not sure what's up with him. Although he hasn't called in a few days, I have been included in a couple of emails from him - one on the election and one to help advertise an upcoming show that he's producing (no desire to go and see someone who was once with Anthrax...). I don't know about him. Nice, sexy (damn it, I am a child of the 80's...I LOVE long hair!). We'll see.

Have a date with Andrew the nurse tonight. Olive Garden in Burnsville. He'd better be more fun than he is on the phone. Shy, I can deal with. Boring needs to go away.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

No, really, this time I AM getting divorced!

Yay! I have a new update!

FW has said that he will pay the entire tax bill, and I have agreed to get this done with. I go to sign the papers on the 18th!!!! I'm going to be divorced! I'm going to be divorced!

Of course, I still want him to pay the filing fees, and I want him to declare himself the Petitioner and myself the respondent (after all, he hired the damn lawyer, so he can be listed as the one who started it).

Much more to report, but short on time. Been out of town, and going back out tomorrow morning. More to follow....

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Thanks to Barb's blog, I have a new favorite website. Go check out Quizilla. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

For the record, my super power:

You Can Talk to Animals!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by

Monday, October 25, 2004

I'm going to be divorced soon!!

Finally heard back from FW's lawyer today - turns out she had been in South Africa. Cool, but no more vacations until I am divorced. She had finally reached FW about his last "offer" which neither of us could understand.

He has offered to take the entire 2003 tax liability (accepted) and will agree to cover me on his health insurance through the end of 2005, if I pay him the premiums (illegal, after we are legally divorced; plus, I again have my own health insurance - told her that he could cancel me as of 10/1/04). I told her that if he kicked in $400, cash, payable upon my receipt of the divorce papers, we would be all good. Yay!!!!

In order not to jinx things, I am not going to start calling on apartments until I have a final answer from the lawyer....but I have been looking around the abode to see what can go into storage.....

I attract freaks

I was online the other night (shocking, I know) and got a IM from this guy at American Singles, where I have been a member for a couple of months (that's where I met Andy, BTW). I only wish I had saved the conversation....

First of all, I have to mention the terrible grammar. That just drives me nuts. If you only speak one language, as many Americans do, you should at least know the basis rules of speech. But, I digress. He indicated that he had emailed me numerous times before (I never received anything) and that he had fallen in love with me the first time he saw my profile. Ok....Whatever, but he kept repeating it, over and over, until I finally asked if he was drunk (he said no, but I'm not sure...). Oh, and I'm so beautiful. He kept asking me to call him, so out of morbid curiosity, I did (and, damn it, forgot to block my number...). Rambling is not quite the word. In a nutshell, he promised to love me like I'd never been loved before, will share his house with me, reiterated that I'm beautiful and he loves me, and asked if I wanted to be single forever, or have someone who will love me like he will love me (uh, can I just jump off a bridge?).

I finally ended up hanging up on him. But, in the morning, discovered that he had called at 3:17 a.m. And again Sunday morning. And again in the afternoon. And again at 1:20 this morning. I am a little foggy on the details, as I was awakened from a dead sleep, but I believe I told him to fuck off. And followed that up with an email indicating that if he EVER contacted me again, I was calling the cops.

I hate to say it, but FW looks almost normal next to the weirdos I've met lately....

Weekend happenings

Weekend fairly uneventful. Went to Kieran's on Friday night with Sarah, and checked out the Tim Malloys for a bit. They weren't as good as usual, mostly because they had a different singer. I'm sure he was fine, but not what I'm used to. Oh, well - we are all getting together for a Girls' Night this Friday, to eat, drink, be merry, and see the regular groping of musicians.

Had an encounter with the One Armed Boy, which made me ponder what I want, and who I have in my life, and how grateful I am for those people. Not that the encounter was bad, or anything - it just made me think about where I am in my life, and where I want to be. And with random strangers isn't it.

On that note, Andy and I were not able to see each other this weekend, but things are looking semi-promising for next (although, due to recent history, I am not holding my breath). However, I am becoming more and more sure that I want to spend more time with this guy. Wrote him an email Saturday night about how I value his friendship, and feel lucky to have him as a part of my life. Interestingly enough, I have heard from him since then - both by email and phone - but have not gotten a response to that particular one. Hmmm. Don't know what to make of that.

However, he had made a comment about giving me something to think about on the cold, lonely nights away from home (I start traveling a lot for work next week - don't be expecting lots of communication from me in the month of November!). As I have recently been hornier than a toad has any right to be, I replied that it was not a nice thing to tease about something that was not quickly forthcoming. He agreed that it was not nice, but indicated that the desire was there, he just had to work on the timing. Now, as much as I am in favor of that happening, I am not sure that he is ready for it (darn it!) and I am not going to proceed with it until he is. This - whatever it is - is too important to me to want to rush into the whole sexual thing. Damn it, I hate being a responsible adult.

Sunday, went to Black River Falls to meet Carla. She picked the spot because it was about halfway between her (Milwaukee) and me (Minneapolis). Despite the excellent breakfast that we had at the local truckstop, I think that we have exhausted the sites of that town. We ended up by the McDonald's, which had a lovely picnic bench, and sat there for hours. And, it must be admitted, rolled around in the grass for a bit. Hey, how often do you get to do that at the end of October???

Carla and I had a really good discussion about justice - she is working on a wrongful termination situation with her former employer, and I of course have the whole divorce thing. As a former crime victim advocate, she has given a lot of thought to the concept of justice, and has defined it as "what you need to move on" from the situation. And, after some pretty significant thought on the way home, I have to agree with her. In that vein, I have decided that my "justice" for FW is for the divorce to be final. I am never going to get any satisfaction out of him, in terms of what I lost to be married to him, but this continuing process has allowed him to maintain power over me, and by finalizing, that power is gone. And that is what I need - I need for the paperwork to be final, for me to get my name back, and to be able to move out of this apartment that I hate so much. After that, I just have to let karma get the bastard.

Friday, October 22, 2004

The One Armed Man....

...wanted only one thing from me....

So, this guy on (check out my cute self: screen name hippity_hoppie) winked at me a few days ago, and we were emailing back and forth for a couple of days. He mentioned in his profile, and in his emails to me, that he was born with only one arm, and wanted to make sure that I was fine with that (why woudn't I be?) His emails were funny, and although I was concerned about a couple of things (lives with parents at the age of 30, for example....but at least it's due to student status, and not having ever moved out), so we hooked up on Yahoo! messeger last night.

Things started very, very slow...he was watching the baseball game and not terribly engaged. But he started getting a little...spicy, and asked if I had ever had a "friend with benefits." I replied that I had, and he asked if I wanted another one. Well, I'm not terribly sure about that, and said so (looking more for a long term thing right now...). He kept asking to come up to my abode last night (bear in mind, he lives an hour and a half away, and we started talking at about 9:30...on a school night. I know I'm getting older when I thought that was too late), and to pursuade me, he sent a picture of, well, you know. If he was trying to impress me, he failed. As did his proclamation that he had once gone for 50 (!) minutes (whatEVER). And we are not even going to go into his lackluster descriptions of what he wanted to do to me.

All in all, pretty happy that I didn't take him up on his "offer."

Although, in dating snafu news, I seem to have a date tomorrow with someone that I don't really want to....when I said yes, I thought it was someone else. Damn the combination of bad memory and instant messanger which does not use real names!! Trying to find a way to get out of that one....Sarah suggested telling him that my husband and I are getting back together. That one might work....

Key Questions (From the BBC)

Got this from Sarah, answered (below) and sent it on....

First Job?
Gert girl at Byerley’s - worked at the yogurt and ice cream counter. When Don still owned Byerley’s. Good god, I’m old.

Worst Job?
HR manager of the Cottage Grove Menard’s. I lasted a day.

Your favorite piece of clothing?
My big fuzzy gray sweat pants. Not sexy, but comfortable.

If your house was on fire, what three things would you save?
I am assuming that my animals are not things? Purse, planner, and dining room set (has all the family heirlooms and pictures in the cupboards).

Your epitaph?
I want to sleep awhile, awhile,
a minute, a century;
but all must know that I have not died.
-Federico Garcia Lora

Title of your autobiography?
Red-Headed Stepchild

Love or money?
Love. Duh.

Flared or straight?
Flared. Cause Sarah says so.

7-Up or Sprite?
I’d rather a Coke, but if forced, 7-Up.

High heels or flat shoes?
I have recently converted to heels. Amazon stature be damned!

Man Utd or Arsenal?
Man Utd, just because John will kick my arse otherwise.

Who do you share your birthday with?
William Wordsworth. Oh, and Russell Crowe! Mmmm….

Your favourite track?
Addy’s Tattoo by Megan Slankard. Subject to change without notice.

Your best blag?
I got a pretty sweet bag from some cosmetic company at a Chicago department store last fall….

Your ambition?
To be the very best Di I can possibly be.

Summer or winter?
Spring or fall.

Custard or ice cream?
Oh….shouldn’t have read this question before lunch…custard sounds good, because it’s so darn cold out.

Will or Gareth?

Early or late?
Late. I hate the morning!

What would you do if you were invisible?
Listen in and see what people really think of me.

Drug of choice?
I guess I’d have to go with caffeine. Although I am quite a fan of alcohol as well…

Biggest secret?
Well, it wouldn’t be a secret, then, would it?

Dogs or cats?

Kylie or J.Lo?
Certainly not.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
No man has ever gone through what you are about to go through. (My mother, on picking a gynecologist).

How would you change the world?
One voter at a time.

Favourite football team?
Yeah. The one with the cute guys. And the ball. That one.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

That would be me. Posted by Hello

Oh! It's Di's first blog!

Ok, that's not exactly true. I had another blog, but it kind of sucked. So, here we go. As with many of my recent endeavors, it's all Sarah's fault. She's a bad influence.

So, I have kind of always wanted to have a journal, but always felt both stilted and as if I needed to start from the very begining. So, I am not going to do that this time. I am going to act as if this is the update email that I periodically send out, and as if everyone knows exactly what I am talking about. So there. :)